Jesteś tutaj: Home News|| Active KPN (en) Completion of the project and submission of the final report
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Nową stronę wydano w ramach Projektu POIS.02.04.00-00-0001/15 „Promocja Parków Narodowych jako marki”
współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020
With the end of 2015 came to an end the project "ActiveKPN" (LIFE10 NAT/PL/000655). I believe that the project was a success. We realized all the basic objectives of the project. Bought out more than 200 hectares (exactly 200.56 ha) of private land located in the National Park area, demolished all purchased 18 built-up farms, made renaturisation activities on a total area of 234.2 hectares, including mowing the surface of 131.75 ha, deshrubbing 4.9 hectares, 10.03 hectares of afforestation and support the natural succession of 87.52 ha. The project also produced the so-called meta-model, which is a portal that allows to better manage the resources of the Park. Also the information activities planned within the project were implemented such as information boards or organization of a press conference.
More detailed information about the project can be obtained from the Layman's Report. The pdf version of Layman’s Report can be downloaded from the "Info".
After completion of the project we made its Final Report. On 31 March 2016 it was sent to the European Commission. This Report you also can download through a pdf located in the "Info".
Currently, we are waiting for the evaluation of the realization of the project by the European Commission.